We arrived to Las Palmas on October the tenth and we decided to stay and become familiar with the Island before the family arrives. The trip has been quite speedy so far so it did us good, just to rest a little. We got a berth on pontoon S in Muelle Deportivo, close to other ARC+ sailors and the other crews welcomed us with a big smile and it was bit like coming home.

Jörn and Jill from Norway had crossed the Atlantic with ARC three years ago and this time they will do it with their own boat. Sailors Bay is the cafe/restaurant/bar where all sailors meet in Las Palmas. Its always a great atmosphere there. We took some time to explore Las Palmas, snorkel close to the beach of Playa de la Cantera and stroll along the long promenade.

We rented a car and drove up to the mountains, hoping for to find a island vineyard, a bodega. The road winded up and we passed a green and colourful landscape. As the road became smaller and smaller up on the hill, we found a small family owned Bodega, Fronter de Oro and could taste their proudly presented wine. We got a course in Spanish and tried mobile translation with voice recognition for the first time.
The small town of San Mateo was astonishing with its intensely colourful houses.
Of course, there is also always some work to do. Luckily there are plenty of boat service shops in the marina with any kind of spare things a sailor needs. We had to repair the toilet once more (no pictures) and fix the box where the gas bottles are stowed. The repairs are almost always in the tiniest places and more a job for a snake man, but we solved it quite well.
We really deserved a relaxing day at the pool in the marina the next day.
Then, finally Sara and Zoë (daughter and granddaughter) arrived from Sweden to spend a week together with us on Gran Canaria. We have been waiting and longing for it since we left Sweden, never knowing if it would be possible. We were so happy and took some time to see crocodiles, the Dunes of Maspalomas, the beautiful Vulcano crater; Bandama and even dolphins in Palmitos Park. The very special thing was that Zoë learned to swim, snorkel and do somersaults for- and backwards in the water. As there are many families with children in all ages joining the ARC+ this year, Zoë quickly found new friends on the pontoon.
Bandama vulcano Secreto Iberico Palmitos Park crown crane cocodrilo Training Training Joy
This time the pictures show more than words. We are so happy for the fun time together and the joy in our hearts stays forever, even though Sara and Zoë had to fly back home.
November to see you are enjoying life on solid groende together with the family.
November to see you are enjoying life on solid groende together with the family.