Portugal was over new destination and we had to start early and were quickly rewarded with an amazing view and company from a dolphin family.

Soon we were cloked in the early morning brume. The cloud wall was impressive and quickly we were off white. It is a strange feeling to be totally surrounded by white mist. Everything is calm, the see is gentle, but it is really dangerous because you don’t now what’s hiding behind the thick moisture curtain.
Try to find the flag buoy
We noticed that our AIS had gone out of order and Anders had a long troubleshooting together with the Furuno-technicians in Gothenburg. The radar worked very well and we were giving loud signals to make other boats aware of us. Five hours of full concentration to keep watch and detect the small flag buoys kept us busy.

As you can see on the navigation, we came closer to the Portuguese boarder and it was time to change the curtesy flag even though we felt invisible in no mans land.

Out of the dew we got some new company and the portugese relatives to the Spanish dolphins earlier came to play around the keel. It is really fun to watch the joyful elegant divers play. Enjoy the videos!
A very nice welcoming committee!
Lovely nice journey, I will follow the tour with interest. Fann till slut er AIS då jag inte sett den på länge på västkusten. Underbart att ni kan upptäcka fina platser och hoppas på rimliga strapatser. Hälsar Jan S..
Hej Jan,
Va kul att du hittat oss. Vi kever verkligen vår dröm. Nu i helt ljuvligt vackra Cascais.
Hoppas allt är riktigt bra med er. Krama Anita från oss
Nilla o Anders
We love the dolphins 🙂
So do we!