Forward to Fuerteventura


Rumors spread that Isla de Lobos, north of Fuerteventura would be a beautiful place to anchor in good weather and we sailed there together with SY Modesty to find a safe spot. The bay south of the island seemed to be a popular place. We went snorkelling around the reef and saw fascinating fishes. We…

Quiberon conquers the heart


A day at sea, feeling free when the boat carries you over the blue surface and letting the horizon form the future. Quiberon is a beautiful peninsula, full of life on land, in the harbour and at sea. The very competent harbour master met us by boat and showed us a perfect place to stay.…

Dolphins dancing by in the bay of Biscaya


Sometimes words cannot describe the severe beauty of nature. When dolphins move so gentle and graciosos in the water, surprisingly synchronising and swiftly dance away with the waves, words melt like candy in water. Deep happiness is the gift they bring. Monday morning mist follows us on the way out of Rade de Brest and…