“Twenty miles west of the sea port of Lagos, the coast of Portugal ends in a rocky headland looking out over the Atlantic, Cape St. Vincent. This is the prow of Europe, the continents out-westernmost point. In the Middle Ages certainty about the world ended here. From the cliffs the eye takes in a vast sweep of water and feels the buffet wind. The horizon curves west to a vanishing point where the sun sinks into an unknown night. For thousands of years, the inhabitants of the edge of the Iberian Peninsula had looked out from this coastline into nothingness.”
Roger Crowly

On Monday morning the 14th of September we sailed out into the nothingness and was surrounded by white, fresh and slightly cold mist. Ben and Charles had flown home. After five hours, the fog vaporised, the sun came out and we had a good sail through day and night. At three in the morning we heard some splash and slosh close to the boat, but the sea was calm. Anders took the torch and in the light we could see the guise of not one but thirty dolphins playing around the boat. When they came close they made a glittering greenish blue path of bioluminiscence through the ocean. It was amazing to see. Later in the night, or better, early morning, some flying fishes jumped around in the sea. After 24 hours we reached the imposing rocky cliffs of Lagos with their characteristic caves. Our Swedish friend, Ulf who lives in Lagos waited in the Marina.
Fishing at night morning sun in the sail The rocky cliffs of Lagos The coast of Algarve our friend Ulf
In the evening we went to a Fado restaurant and had a chance to enjoy the voices of the Fado singers, full of emotion. Ulf invited us for dinner and showed us around the beautiful beaches of Dona Ana at Lagos and even further west to the little bay of Castelejo, a surfers paradise and tremendously good food at Restaurante Castelejo. Obrigada Ulf for all your care!
Praia do Castelejo
Some groceries Pisco shaker Ulf in Lagos delicious Cataplana