Sunset in Breskens, South Netherlands

It is complicated to make plans, while sailing and obeying the forces of wind and weather and accidents. We had plans to meet friends in Belgium and Breskens, had to postpone them and then see that it was possible. We got the advice that Breskens is a good harbour for repair at Grand Soleil. In Breskens, a friends friend invited us for dinner at his pirate nest and we had a wonderful evening discussing the forces of water and destiny, ancient Greek Gods and art. On Tuesday morning we could lift Ydalir and the shipyard could start to work. We were really lucky: the shipyard had time, the winds were against us anyhow and we had great friends in the Vanvleeteren family welcoming us to their home while waiting.

Ydalir arising from the sea
Professionals at work in Breskens
Casper and Christa on board!
Boris and Elisabeth visiting Ydalir
The Church of Lisswege was once also a Lighthouse
Beautiful Brügge

A heart-warming, wonderful evening in Belgium
The pirates nest in Breskens right next to the beach